Monday, September 06, 2004

a place to yawp

I am beginning a new quest. The quest to find a place for a good, loud, barabaric yawp. I have much to yawp about and it is building within me. Last night after M's third change of heart this week and had to go for a drive. (Gin tastes better with Tom Collin's, and I was all out , and desperately needed a strong drink). On my way home from the store, I spontaneously decided to not go right home, but just drive a bit. I really needed to scream, to let out my pent up frustration and aggression. So I just cranked up the music and belted out two loud roars. It hurt my throat. I was a little disappointed. I thought that I would feel better after, but not so much. I envisioned standing on a hill top and screaming and hearing it echo all around me for minutes, like you see in the movies when someone's true love dies. I don't know where that place is. That place you can go and scream and people won't be calling the cops. But that is troublesome, because what if something bad happened and I screamed and no one knew to come help? Ah, a connundrum. It reminds me of the age old question, "If a tree falls in a forest..."