Monday, September 20, 2004

Back to School

After one week of homeschooling we felt it necessary to take a vacation. No, that isn't how I planned it, but instead how it turned out. I am so new tothis homeschooling business, I sometimes forget that I have "homework" too. Tonight I thought I should look over tomorrow's lesson, so I have a vague idea of what I am doing, and I discovered that I need to make a chart with construction paper and cut out circles. I'm glad I checked. I hate being unprepared. Well, I got the chart ready, so we will be all set to graph boys and girls in our family.

Today M broke the news to the boys about his not living here. He didn't say much, it went kind of like this:
"Do you know what? Today you are going to see my new place. Remember how I used to live with V? Well I am going to do that again, only it will be just me in my place. You can come and be with me there and play and spend the night too. "
What surprised me is that neither of them asked, "Why?" That's the question I will probably be posed sometime soon. I dread answering that question. It is a habit for me to be honest, sometimes I am too honest. It is hard to say only enough to quench their curiosity without making them anxious.
Anyhow, their visit went well, and I saw the place too. It is a nice, clean third floor apartment over a house in Hampden. It isn't too far of a drive and as the boys discovered on their walk with M, there is a comic book shop near by. (K & D are so into superheroes now.)
Last time M left, the boys had a lot of anxiety about "leaving". When I would run out to the trash cans for a minute they would run after me, sometimes in tears. Today they seemed totally fine. I made two runs to the trash outside and they didn't mind a bit. K is the tough one. He perceives so much, but keeps a lot inside. He takes after me that way. He shot me a glance when M said he would be living somewhere else, which I returned with a slight reassuring smile. It was like he was checking with me to see if this is okay, taking a cue from me to know how to respond. I wonder what he is thinking about this mess. I wish he would tell me.