Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Art Therapy II

Last night I took out the pastels and charcoal and went to it once again. This time to the backdrop of Nick Drake's meloncholy crooning. Twice while drawing I burst into tears, I don't know why, once a tear droped to the paper and smeared the chalk. I didn't feel particularly sad, just full, like I was emptying myself on to the paper, and it was costing me something. I just drew (from my head-not life) and this is what happened on the paper:

A self-portrait (suggested- an ambiguous female, that sort of resembles moi) to the shoulders, face and eyes cast semi-downward-closed eyes? My face is rosey and smooth, my hair is down-resting on my shoulders, a very ominous shadow is cast on my neck, almost gripping it. I am wearing blue and purple. To the right is a great tree looming up, extending branches over my head and off the page to the right, and casting a shadow beneath me. The branches are mostly bare. A few orange and yellow leaves are dangling, it is fall. To the left of me, the leaves have accumulated and three are still falling. There are cumulous clouds billowing around my head and swirling the leaves that are suspended in mid-air. Blue sky is on the horizon, and just beginning to break overhead.

So you tell me, what is it all about? I have my own interpretation, but would like to hear yours.