Saturday, December 17, 2005

I've been nudged

Dawn, has nudged me to share five random things about myself that (I'm guessing) I haven't yet disclosed to my readership....hmmmm, let's see.....

  1. I hate to buy two of anything that are exactly the same. That said, I did however buy two identical black t-shirts last spring because I loved it (them) so much.
  2. My favorite flowers are lisianthus , irises, and roses.
  3. I double pierced my left ear (myself) when I was 18; it didn't go all the way through. About a year and a half ago I finally had it done professionally. It is a reminder to be true to myself, a literal earmark in the history of me.
  4. I whistle very much like a tea kettle.
  5. My new perfume, Vanille, I am told by my sons, smells like Lucky Charms. (This is supposed to be a compliment?)
So I guess I'm supposed to nudge someone else. Okay, MK, consider yourself nudged.