Friday, February 24, 2006

crummies in our tummies

Apparently it's contagious, and even though L's fever has subsided, she's not 100%. Now I've got "it" and thought today I was on the mend, but alas...none such luck, at least not yet.

K and D have managed to entertain themselves pretty well while I am sick, and have discovered one of my favorite childhood pasttimes, playing in the woods. Today they returned from their adventures covered in mud with huge smiles on their ruddy faces. Sometimes they dig for bottles and things, today, they were stacking tires. I guess even today people use the beautiful woods as a public dumping ground.

We've found some pretty interesting things in the woods adjacent to our property. As a kid I used to play in an old rusted out VW convertible halfway down the hill. The story was that it was a getaway car for a robbery. The theives came up the driveway thinking it was a through street and when they got to the top, just gunned it into the woods. (At least that's how I remember it.) There was an old swingset, the tacky metal kind, but the ladder was procured by mom to be a climbing support for some peas or something. Many, many old milk (and other) bottles have been collected too. I like to line them up on the window ledge and let the southern sunlight dance across them.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Little Bed-Warmer

Nothing warms a bed on a cold night better than a feverish two-year old. L came home last night from her dad's with a temp over 101. So to pamper her a little, I granted her wish to sleep in my big comfy bed with me (and Pooh Bear, Doggie-dog, Meow-meow, and Bunny). There was hardly any room for me, but I managed to find a spot.

It's snowing again, just heavy flurries, no accumulation expected, and we are watching Sesame Street. I usually let the kids watch more T.V. or movies when they are ill, it's a special treat.

I'm not dissappointed to have our plans cancelled today. After a very busy week, and an even busier weekend, I'm still recooperating from all the activity.

Friday, February 17, 2006


Last weekend we had a small blizzard, by Thursday we were back to spring, and today most of the snow has completely melted. I'm glad I took my friend's advice and saved a dozen snowballs in the freezer, but's a surprise for the kiddos.

The abrupt changes in the weather coupled with a packed week of activities and added responsibilities while my folks are away has taken it's toll on my psyche. Whew, I made it though. I'm pleased to have a chill and fun evening with the girlfriends tonight. I need to unwind.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Love Bites

Happy Valentine's Day !

I baked six dozen cookies today and yesterday to give as our "Valentines" at our home school Valentine Party this afternoon. The kids had a fun time with crafts, games and treats. I had enough cookies leftover to send some home with Chip as a thank-you for all his hard work clearing off our monstrous driveway and also take some to my friend who spontaneously invited me to dinner and blessed me with some beautiful purple Alstromerias. Not such a bad day afterall, especially considering this is one of my least favorite holidays of the year, there's just too much cultural romantic pressure. However, I am all for holidays which encourage the gifting of fine dark chocolate.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Can you dig it?

My biceps are trembling from the rigorous shovelling workout. Yesterday I spent an hour and a half clearing paths to the chicken feed (shed), chicken coop and from my door to the folks door. This way I can feed the animals without gearing up every single time. Today I was getting nevous as Chip hadn't come back yet and the trodden on places were beginning to get solid with ice. So, I tramped out with the kids and dug for about two hours. Later today, Chip interrupted nap time to tell me there was ice on the hill that the snow blower couldn't quite manage, meanwhile he had to get another part for the malfunctioning snowblower. I said to him, "If only we could redirect the energy those three guys are spending on snowboarding, we'd have this hill clear in no time." Extravert that Chip is, said something motivating, and those three highschool juniors took to helping me clearing a wide path all the way down the hill. They were even equipped with their own shovels. When Chip returned he was amazed at how much we had accomplished and he gave me the nod to go inside. To my pleasure, L was still fast asleep.

And here I sit once again contemplating dinner, and wishing I could sleep instead. Well at least I'm getting some much needed excercise. Can you guess where I'll be sitting* tonight?

* hint: it starts with "shiatsu" and ends with "chair"

Sunday, February 12, 2006

It's 9 a.m. and I'm wiped out far I've done this much in order to feed the animals...No more whining or I'm gonna snap. I didn't know that hard manual labor made me so grumpy with my kids. I was trying to improve my mood by singing "The Joy of the Lord is my Strength" but then L started pushing snow back into my nicely shoveled path and I became even more grouchy, and then repentant. She's trying to have fun, and I'm grouching about all the work- how like a "grown-up" to not see the fun and only the work....Well, later (after a nap?) we'll have fun making snowmen and sledding...I need to enjoy this blessing, and be thankful, not complain about it.

Diggin' Out

Well we got at least a foot of snow last night, and it's still coming down. I'm going to have to do some serious digging to get from my door to the shed and the chicken coop to feed them this a.m. I'm pretty sure that church will be cancelled, which I am grateful for (I had toddler room duty today).

It looks like mom and dad got away just in time!

It sure is beautiful though.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


It has just started snowing. Light and soft, which from my experience means some significant accumulation. When it starts out heavy with thick, chunky flakes it is usually short lived. This week, I am queen of the hill once again. I'm queen of a blueberry bush and a cat (props to Yertle) . This means after the snow falls I may not be getting out for a while. Dad arranged for Chip to come and plow, but I didn't take any chances. I went to the crazy, madhouse of a supermarket this morning. Shopping carts were bumper to bumper in there, worse than last Saturday, the day before the "Big Game". Well, I'm stocked with winter essentials like milk, bread, popcorn, and chocolate. Let it snow!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

So precious

My heart nearly burst tonight as K sang a little song to himself while I was cleaning up the dishes. It went something like this:

Whenever I need help, my mother is here
Whenever D needs help, his big brother is here to help him
My mother is always here to help me
I'm here to help my brother....

And for the Calvinists in the room:
L likes to "read the cat" (catechism). She was doing this at dinner tonight. Her favorite question (and only one she really knows) is:
#47 Whom did Christ represent in the covenant of grace?
L's answer "Lecka people" (His elect people)

My lying blogroll

I don't understand it, but my blogroll is supposed to notify me when someone has a new post...well for some it does and others it doesn't. Like one blog has been marked "new post" for several days and there isn't anything new there, while a couple others are never marked "new" even when there are new posts. Hrumph.

In other news, winter has returned. The Spring fling is over. No more 60 and 70 degree weather; flurries are scattering right now. I'm ready for Spring and warmth. My tulips are up about two inches, and yet I fear (and hope) for one more big snow. I finally bought a tobaggon, and I would like to try it with the children. However, next week is full of school events, and mom and dad will be cruising, so if we do get some accumulation, we are stuck. I'm not plowing this hill all on my way.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Memory Lane

I mentioned a while back how I had gone to my 15th high school reunion and reconnected with some old friends I had known (and lost touch with) from my elementary school days. Last night I had dinner with two women, one of whom was my best friend for many years and then we gradually fell into different groups of friends, the other was her friend and coworker, a fellow single mama like myself. It was the perfect excuse to revisit one of my favorite restaurants in Baltimore, Ze Mean Bean Cafe. It was a great time of catching up and conversation, and funny to see how much (and how little) we've changed over all these years. [Melissa, you are still as cute and sweet as ever!]

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

My Funny Valentine

Don't forget Groundhog's day is tomorrow! Come on Spring!