9 questions book meme
MaryKate tagged me. I'm not a huge reader. I like books and once I get into a good one, I have a lot of trouble putting it down, I actually become a little obsessed with finishing it. So maybe that's why I don't always have one that I'm reading (for pleasure that is). I wasn't terribly excited to do this meme, since I haven't read all the great books yet....eventually I'll get to them. That's what I love most about the classical education I'm giving my kids.
- One book that changed your life? As a person: Codependent No More by Melody Beattie. As a woman: A return to Modesty by Wendy Shalit. As a Christian: Knowing with the Heart by Roy Clouser.
- One book you have read more than once? The Chronicles of Narnia and countless other children's books that are on our shelves.
- One book you would want on a desert island? The Bible, that way I'd actually read it cover to cover (or The Brother's Karamozov -I've started that one a few times but never been able to get "into" it and everyone has such great things to say about it.)
- One book that made you cry? (Just one?) Goodbye Jeanine by Joyce Sackett made me cry more than any other book I've read, but for obvious reasons.
- One book that made you laugh? Can You Keep a Secret? by Sophia Kinsella.
- One book you wish had been written? A very practical divorce handbook/survival guide.
- One book you wish had never had been written? Same as #6.
- One book you are currently reading? The Well Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer
- One book you have been meaning to read? Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards (for about 10 years now)
I am supposed to tag 5 people but I think all the bloggers I know have done this already...so here are a few people who don't blog but are avid readers and maybe they could post their answers in comments? Mom, Julie, Inge, (and Tif if she ever actually read my blog)